You are not on your own
If you want to challenge or change something about your school
education, you might be able to make an appeal to the Tribunal. There are two ways to do this - one is called a claim and the other, a reference. If you decide you want to do this, you can get help from different people or groups.
The Tribunal is a legal body. It is independent and has nothing to do with your school, your social work department or the NHS.
The staff at the Tribunal can help you. You can write to us, call or email us.
0141 302 5860
Additional Support Needs (Needs to Learn)
Health and Education Chamber
Glasgow Tribunals Centre, 20 York Street
Glasgow, G2 8GT
My Rights, My Say
Helpline: 0345 123 2303
Under the Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004, the Scottish Government has provided a free support service to help children with additional support needs aged between 12 and 15 years understand their rights and have their voices heard. My Rights, My Say is the name of the Children’s Service.
They provide:
- advice and information about a child’s rights
- advocacy to support a child to have their voice heard when talking to their school
- independent support to make sure the child’s views are heard in formal process (such as assessments)
- support to enhance professional practice in listening to children’s views

Reach can help you understand children's rights to be supported and involved in decisions so they have an equal chance to flourish in their education.
Hear from school pupils across Scotland sharing what has helped them and get accessible, bitesize advice on additional support for learning.
Reach is part of Enquire - the Scottish Advice Service for Additional Support for Learning - and is managed by Children in Scotland.
Helpline: 0345 123 2303
Email: info@enquire.org.uk
Enquire is the Scottish advice service for additional support for learning. Enquire has lots of practical advice and information about the education and additional support needs system in Scotland.
Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS)
0808 800 0082
TEXTPHONE 0808 800 0084
The helpline advises and assists people on issues relating to equality and human rights.
You can also write to them at: